International Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated on 28th May every year to create awareness among people about the importance of good Menstrual health. But this year it’s a holiday it was celebrated on 31st May 2023 with this year’s theme being”Making Menstruation a Normal Fact of Life by 2030″. Although the programme was organised by ICDS under the Guidance of Mrs MamtaPaul (DPO, ICDS)as the Venue being L.I.E.T, Bharari the members of the Laureate Society and all the staff members of the Institute gave full support and left no stone unturned to make it successful. The Chief Guest for the programme was Mr Harish Jannartha(M.L.A.Shimla, Urban). The programme began with the inspection of Millet-based recipes prepared by ladies of Anganwàdi slogan writing&Painting on the above-mentioned theme prepared by the students of B.Ed.(L.I.E.T). The Chief Guest and Honorable Managing Director(Dr. Ran Singh)and Secretary Laureate Society(Dr. Meera Singh)and other dignitaries inspected the recipes, slogans, and paintings and appreciated the work of all the participants. Further, there was a Lightning up of the lamp by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries along with Saraswati Vandana sung by B.Ed.students. DPO(lCDS) Honoured the Chief Guest and shared the Highlights of the programme. The welcome address was delivered by the Hon’ble Managing Director(Dr. Ran Singh) Laureate Society and Secretary of the Laureate Society( Dr. Meera Singh) following the tradition to welcome the guest by presenting live plants welcomed the Chief Guest and all other dignitaries, Councillor Bharari Ward(Mrs. Meena Chauhan),(Dr. Ruchi Ramesh)Principal R.K.M.V college,(Dr. Amit) Associate Professor( IGMC ) (Prof.Reva )RKMV(Prof. Shambhu Sharma) and Principal L.I.E.T(Dr. Kamaljit Kaur). After that Movie “The Red Taboo” was shown to the students to make them aware of the myths and taboos in society on Menstrual based thoughts. The role play was very beautifully presented by the students depicting various aspects of menstruation. Students also participated in a Quiz competition organised by ICDS and conducted by (Dr Nitika Dharma, M.O). A skit depicting misconceptions about menstruation and a self-composed poem by Rahul Premi was also presented. A very beautiful Group song composed by (Mr Ankush)Assist Prof.(L.I.E.T, Music, Vocal)was also sung by students towards the end of the programme. Lastly, the keynote address was delivered by the Chief Guest he also appreciated the efforts of all and especially appreciated the presence and participation of the boys in the event. To motivate and appreciate the efforts of the students the prizes were also distributed in the end. The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr Meera Singh(Secretary Laureate Society)and the Delicious lunch served to all by the Management (Laureate Society)